Exploring the factors affecting home dialysis patients' participation in telehealth-assisted home visits: A mixed-methods study
- Creator: Chu, Ginger , Silva, Carla , Adams, Kelly , Chacko, Bobby , Attia, John , Nathan, Nicole , Wilson, Rhonda
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2024
Comparing inductive and deductive analysis techniques to understand health service implementation problems: a case study of childhood vaccination barriers
- Creator: Bonner, Carissa , Tuckerman, Jane , Kaufman, Jessica , Costa, Daniel , Durrheim, David N. , Trevena, Lyndal , Thomas, Susan , Danchin, Margie
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
Health providers’ and pregnant women’s perspectives about smoking cessation support: a COM-B analysis of a global systematic review of qualitative studies
- Creator: Kumar, Ratika , Stevenson, Leah , Jobling, Judith , Bar-Zeev, Yael , Eftekhari, Parivash , Gould, Gillian S.
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2021
A co-production approach guided by the behaviour change wheel to develop an intervention for reducing sedentary behaviour after stroke
- Creator: Hall, Jennifer , Morton, Sarah , Hall, Jessica , Clarke, David J. , Fitzsimons, Claire F. , English, Coralie , Forster, Anne , Mead, Gillian E. , Lawton, Rebecca
- Resource Type: journal article
- Date: 2020